Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Worked half a day and drove to Schiphol to drop off Joyce and Phil.Uneventful and Sue was checked in to the Schiphol Crown Plaza already.My mode has switched from work to holiday. Woo Hoo! It feels good but I've been away from my tomatoes for a long time already. So far tomatoes here have been under whelming. They'll be starting nicely when we get home.

Took a quick drive to the Hauge not knowing what wewanted to see. We picked the Maurits House museum. Their collection isof the Dutch golden era (1600)s. It was great. Several Rembrandts and"The girl with the Pearl Earring" along with many other great paintingsand a few busts. Ate at a chinese place very nice and drove back to the hotel to listento the dog in the next room. It doesn't bark a lot just a yip every onceand a while. Dogs seem to be common in restaurants and hotels.

Sue hit the jet lag wall on the way back. She crashed hard and I started my beer tour at the hotel bar. So far Palm is in the lead. Tomorrow we ditch the company rental Mercedes and explore the trains.

1 comment:

Jon H said...

Wow. Living the high life in the Mercedes. Did you go fast. Good to hear Sue made it there.