Saturday, July 12, 2008

Touring Arnhem

Joyce and I went to the National Park near here this morning. I am not sure how a national park occures here, it was a nice large area with no one living in it but one can see trees in minnesota just about everywhere. There was some timber cutting going on too. They have a deal where you can ride their white bikes around the park which would have been nice but it was a bit rainy at that point.

In the middle of the park is the Kroller Muller meuseum. It is the 2nd largest collection of Van Gogh and is full of modern art, modern sculpture, some photography and a large sculpture garden that is a long walk in the park puctuated by large modern installations. Very nice place quite close to Arnhem and we thought it was great.

We ate lunch at a sidewalk pub. I had the summer salad special. I saw it on another diner's plate and asked for the same thing. Marinated beef chunks with a generous salad with kind of a honey dijion mustard dressing , very nice. We saw a couple with some dessert that looked good and asked about that too. It was apple pie with a very thick crust. We gave it a go. It was surprisingly good. The crust was flaky.

We then went to the open air museum, It is a recreation of a Dutch town. Black smith, weavers, electric trolly, windmills, boatmaker all kinds of stuff. Very cool. It kind of mashes a lot of different time eras together.

The good thing is we know how to run the gps and can punch in the desination and it leads us there with no issue. No roads are straight or run north and south here. I have totally lost any sense of direction I may ever of had.

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