Monday, July 21, 2008

In Brugges

Took 2 train transfers to get from Amsterdam to Brugges. Kind of hectic in Antwerp. The station was huge and we came in on the lowest level and our connection was 4 levels above, once we found it on the monitor. We had 6 minutes and used them all. There is a train every hour but it was a point of pride to make our connection.

Walked to the Bargehotel from the train. Lots of schlepping of baggage. It is a very cool hotel and the room is surprisingly not much smaller than our Amsterdam room. We have a window right on the river although the neighbors are feeding the ducks and they mill about squawking if they think it is dinner time.

Walked the city yesterday, there was a big concert in the Market square right in front of the tower. The tower was closed anyway.


NicholasBuse said...

Got to your blog a little later in your trip, but if you go back to Amsterdam and have time, I would suggest the Anne Frank House...

RWP said...

hello american tourists

vonderful to see you enjoy the countries