Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nerd of Noir

Note that on the right is a link to Pete's blog. He has some feedback from various authors already. For amusement purposes only

Pete encouraged me to start this blog of our trip. I am charged up to continue but I need a topic. Vacation rambling only goes so far. It was a bit easier to keep up when we were away from home. Once you are around the house it seems there are more distractions from writing. I think the topic is key. Can I find something I am passionate about, I know something about and people want to hear? Kind of a daunting task right there.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Brussels and out

Train to brussels was nice. Not so crowded. Had a wheel blow out on a suitcase on the walk to the station though. Over heated and melted out the plastic holder. No fixing it so we are carrying it now.
OK hotel and had a nice walk around grand place and scoped out where theart museum is. Got a little side tracked on the walk back to the hotel.Got into a kind of seedy part of town but survived ok when we found abus map with our location on it.

Day 2
The museum was cool. Reuben is the belgian painter of note and there was a gallery with a dozen of the huge paintings by him.

Took a 90 minute bus tour too. The whole European union is run from Brussels and the senate building is huge. Actually most of the important buildings are pretty good sized.
Had the mussels for dinner. Mussels are the Belguim specialty. Pretty much like the ones they make at theMoon Buffet without the sauce. Tired of the breakfast buffet at the hotel so we visited a little hole in the wall that advertised breakfast. Kind of took him by supprise I think he mostly sold coffee and rolls. We got a couple eggs with a salad some grilled chicken and some bread with fresh OJ. A little odd but interesting. Ran a little on the expensive side though.
Took the train to Schipol Airport and the hotel bus to the hotel and we fly out in the morning. Took a short walk to the local mall. It actually is kind ofwarm here the last 2 days. Probably still hotter back home though.

Rented bikes at the BargeHotel very good way to get around. Toured the Half Maan (moon)brewery where supposedly they make the local brew Zot. I didn't see much that looked like it worked. Cool old building though and we got to go to the roof and look around.
Climbed the tower in Market square. Lots of steps and it struck 4 pm while we were at the top. Very loud. There is a carillon that played a tune too.
Heard the some ancient nuns singing in a church too. We have been well entertained during our stay here.